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PowerAuras r27
[ · Скачать удаленно () ] 23.07.2012, 10:12
Power Auras is an Addon that shows pictures, when configurable conditions are satisfied. It works for all classes. 

With this addon it is possible to check buffs, debuffs and spell/item cooldown.
You can check the buffs and debuffs on yourself, your target, the target of target, your pet and any other unit.
It is possible to restrict to your group (textblock for group member empty) or one group member.

You can also restrict to:
- is the buff/debuff casted by me
- show if you are not in fight
- show if you are in fight
- show if you are alone, in group or in raid
- show if you are on mount or not
- show if the configured target is an enemy or a friend
- restrict to a range for the stacksize
- restrict to a range for the timer

With "if rule true"/"wenn Regel wahr" you can create recursive settings. You need to write the name of the other setting (the textbox on top of the settings dialog). Your rule is only displayed when your other rule is also displayed.

The "^"-Button helps you to choose the right buff/debuff. It give you the ability to search for buffs that was in the range of your character since you was logged in. Now you can search ItemCDs and SpellCDs.

When a condition is true you can show the buff-picture, the timer (format can configured) and the stacksize. The opacity can also be set. You can set the position with drag and drop. Now you can display a good looking bar over the image and under the timer.

The Addon is translated into german, english, french, russian and japanese.
It works only for AO 2.0.06+.

Since r17 is the memory usage lower than previous releases. With r22 you can import/export your setting on the last page. This works only for AO 2.0.08+.
If you can't touch the PAuras-Button type this in the chat, to set the button position to another position: /paurasreset

Источник: ui9.ru
Категория: Бафы, Дебафы | Добавил: Sfendo | Теги: allods, auras, для, Power, addons, Аллоды, Аддон, Online, онлайн, 27
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